Fantastic product..great app for training that is easy to follow and produces results.
i’m only eight sessions in and I’ve gained 2 mph It also incentivizes me to stretch and do a little something every day even in bad weather or after work when I’m tired
I'm following the training and have increased my drives by 20+ yards in less than 3 weeks.
First month using Rypstick. I’m encouraged to find out that I can swing a lot harder than I thought I could without injury. I have been very conscientious about warm up.
The product is very well made and the app is simple to use. I wish I would have done this years ago.
I forget I'm using a training aid when I practice with it. I very simply makes you more accurate by aiming small naturally.
Bought a rypstick 2 years ago without the radar unit. Since using the just purchased radar the training is instant feedback ,also using rypstick app
I’ve been using it for a couple weeks at the range and my ball striking for longer irons is much better now
I received my Rypstick training package and it looks great.
Because of the major cold snap we are having, I haven't been able to start my training with it.
I am looking forward to starting soon!
I can update my review after that.
Love the RYPStick and the training protocol. Seems to be very progressive in nature. Looking forward to a faster driver.
I play Ping G430 irons, which are slightly oversized. The ButterBlade is very undersized. After shank/slicing my first two shots with the ButterBlade, I slowed my swing and focused on making square contact. I then hit 6 perfectly straight shots with the ButterBlade and returned to my Pings resulting in me hitting cleaner, more consistently straight (and longer) shots with my regular irons. I highly recommend the ButterBlade. It works!
I have gained speed over first 3 weeks and seeing it translate to extra length on the course. I liked Luke’s prompt succinct and no nonsense review of my swing video. The combination of a great tool and evidence based training makes it a great package
High quality training tool. Gets results but NOT a silver bullet. You have to put in the work